The complete columbia albums collection

Auteur(s) Shorter, Wayne (1933-2023) (Saxophones)
Titre(s) The complete columbia albums collection [Enregistrement sonore] / Wayne Shorter, saxo.
Editeur(s) Sony Music Entertainment : Columbia, 2011.
Sujet(s) Jazz rock : Etats-Unis : 1970-2000 : Disques compacts
Jazz : Influence brésilienne : 2000-... : Disques compacts
Indice(s) 10 SHO 7
10 XXX 7
Titre(s) Weather report recording Wayne Shorter : compositions 1.
Notes Tears. - Eurydice. - The moors. - Surucucu. - Manolete. - Non-Stop home. - Mysterious traveler. - Blackthorn Rose. - Lusitanos. - Freezing fire. - Elegant people. - Three clowns. - Arlequin. - Palladium.
Titre(s) Weather report recording Wayne Shorter of Wayne Shorter : Compositions 2.
Notes The Elders. - Sightseeing. - Port of entry. - When it was now. - Plaza real. - Predator. - Swamp cabbage. - Pearl on the half shell. - Face on the barroom floor.
Titre(s) Native Dancer.
Notes Ponta de areia. - Beauty and the beast. - Tarde. - Miracle of the fishes. - Diana. - From the lonely afternoons. - Ana Maria. - Lilia. - Joanna's theme.
Titre(s) Atlantis.
Notes The three marias. - The last silk hat. - When you dream. - Who goes there!. - Atlantis. - Shere Khan, the tiger. - Criancas. - On the eve departure.
Titre(s) Phantom Navigator.
Notes Condition red. - Mahogany Bird. - Remote control. - Yamanja. - Forbidden, plan-iT !. - Flagships.
Titre(s) Joy Ryder.
Notes Cathay. - Over shadow hill way. - Anthem. - Causeways. - Someplace called "where".
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