Jazz for Babies, Calm & soothing lullabies

Auteur(s) Janisch, Michael (Basse continue) (Arrangeur); Hamilton, Steve (Piano); Booth, Paul (Saxophones)
Titre(s) Jazz for Babies, Calm & soothing lullabies : The saxophone album / Michael Janisch, arr. cb ; Steve Hamilton, sax ; Paul Booth, p.
Editeur(s) Grande Bretagne : Wurlwind Recordings : Distrib. Jazz for Babies, 2013.
Collection(s) (Jazz for Babies).
Contient What a wonderful world. - My favourite things. - Imagine. - A Child is born. - At last. - My one and only love. - God Bless This Child. - The nearness of you. - Body and soul. - I thought about you. - Love is a many splendoured thing. - I remember you. - Soul Eyes. - I want to talk about you. - When I fall in love.
Notes In utero to 3 years +.
Sujet(s) Chansons enfantines : Disques compacts
Saxophone, Musique de (jazz) : Disques compacts
Berceuses : Disques compacts
Indice(s) 53 XXX
53 JAZ
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